
Online Employee Education

Log on to employee learning

Relias Employment Requirement

As a new employee, you are required to complete the Relias orientation training on the Chase County Community Hospital Relias site within 15 days from your date of hire.  

To access the site, simply click the link below.  You will be directed to the Relias login page.  Please note:  To log in, please use your First Initial + Last Name (example: JBrown) for your Username, and Welcome1 (case sensitive) for your initial password.  

Relias login

If you do not have a computer available to you in your department, use of the CCCH computer in the IT/HR department which can be scheduled to use to complete the mandatory learning activities. Please call IT to schedule a time at (308) 882-7384.

If you need assistance with the Relias site, please call Employee Health at (308) 882-7306.