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Wauneta Clinic is Open All Week!

It's taken a lot of time, energy and focus but we are so pleased to point out that our Wauneta Clinic location is open all five days this week. Thank you to our providers and clinic staff for your continued efforts to accomplish this milestone! Thank you to the Wauneta community for your continued support!

Week at a Glance: Jan 27th - 31st.

Week at a Glance: Jan 20th - 24th.

HR Dept Looking Forward to 2025!

Our HR Department (Melissa Yaw & Shauna Winn) are looking forward to 2025!

Thank you Volunteers

A special thank you to all of our volunteers including these pictured: (Aaron & Abby Cyboron, Tami & Sid Bartels and Michelle Pursley) for their time and efforts leading up to and during last night's Pink Out Games!